Tuesday, February 14, 2012

My Birthday Night

The night of my birthday was a fun one!  Cayla and I started out at Izakaya Wasa at the Irvine Spectrum for dinner.  Rather than review the restaurant again so close to my last review, I'll just share a few photos from dinner.

I started with my usual Maguro (Tuna) Sashimi, but made it a double order.  EXCELLENT!

Next was Snow Crab Sushi.  This was a first for me.  It was very good, tasted a little sweet :)

Then it was on to Tobiko (Flying Fish Eggs) Sushi.  This was also a first for me.  It had a crunchy texture to it.  I liked it but I still prefer Masago (Smelt Eggs).

This next dish was one that Hiroshi the sushi chef made special for me for my birthday.  I told him to surprise me with something and that the only direction was nothing spicy.  He surprised me with the BEAUTIFUL and DELICIOUS work of art.  He worked on this for at least 15 minutes!  I wish you could see all the detail and effort in this dish.  Truly VERY impressive!!!

Next it was onto Paul Martin's American Bistro at the Irvine Spectrum Center for after dinner drinks.  Above is a drink called a Manhattan Sour that Cayla tried.  It has red wine and whiskey in it.  I wasn't a big fan of it because it tasted too much like wine and I don't like wine :/  Cayla is a wine fan and she loved it though!  I went on to have an Old Fashioned and a bourbon on the rocks. 

We finished up the visit with their Cinnamon Apple Crisp.  Absolutely EXCELLENT!!!  It you like apple cobbler or pie it's a MUST TRY!

Next it was on to Patsy's Irish Pub in Mission Viejo for a few drinks and some karaoke.  Cayla and I like to come here Sunday - Wednesday nights when it's not busy to do karaoke.  Actually Cayla likes to watch me do karaoke.  She doesn't sing ;)  There were about 15 people total inside when we arrived around 10:30 pm.  I had a great time singing and drinking and also watched someone in the alley behind Patsy's climb the VERY tall wall (see above picture).  It was definitely entertainment watching this guy!  After that I sang an awesome rendition of "In the Air Tonight" by Phil Collins with the DJ there.  IT ROCKED!  Sang a few more songs after this too.  Had a great time and a great night!

How about you guys?  Any experiences at any of these places???

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